Little Diary


 It's has been a long time since i updated this blog :( Yup, many things had happened.  But mostly is work, work and WORK.  Gosh, work is suck.  Especially when u get a demanding boss, trying to bossing you around.  Geezzz....  i guess boss never know that this word exists - Satisfied.  Come on... spare me some time. =.=  Has no time to do other stuffs, huft.....

But, leave behind the boring topic.  Good things do happen too :D hehe... recently just got good news from my publisher that my new romance draft is accepted.  Yaaaaay.... so happy :D thank you so much for the support and chances being given to me.  Hope it will be published soon >.<

And now... hmm.... exciting to write a new romance story.  Okay, a little bit spoiler, maybe...

 Hmm... know why i am exciting writing this?  Because i do enjoy it so much.  It's a new thing to explore.  New whole level i try to bring in my writing activities.  Start from the characters, the plot, the storyline, the setting.  Almost everything.  Even putting the elements i like.  Waa... can't wait to finish the story.  I write quite fast, can't wait to end it.  I have lessen my sleeping time, lessen my watching time, lessen my shopping time and even lessen my reading time.  All for focus on this story.  I just hope it would go as I planned, that the storyline won't change during the writing. >.<

Yup, i guess it's enough now.  See you guys not anytime soon, huhu.... But have a great life and don't forget to pick up a book for your reading today.  And do write. LOL. Haha...

Lots of love,


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