Archive for 2013

To Create Your Very Own Writing Nest


Been a long time, again... since my last updated.  Wew......

Okay, i found some articles that give some tips to create the atmosphere of writing and found it's quite useful.  So, gotta share it, hope these would do us some helps >.<

So, we sometimes find ourselves struggle with the difficulties of building some writing moods, or complaining about finding no suitable place to sit down and getting the idea out ofour head, and some other reasons that make us "ABSENT" in writing.  Find these tips below, then.

Find the right place
Think back the places that have made you comfortable before, go there, try to create the same atmosphere as before and find your mood back.
As for me, i find my own bedroom the most comfortable place.

What stimulates you to write
Okay, this is really important too.  If you are the kind of person that needs something to boost up your mood, to stimulate it.  Whether you are kind of person that loves to write in silence, with soft music background, with noise or loud voice, all you have to do is find it and bring those stimulations to help you take out your best.

 Find the right spot
Okay, then setting is also important.  You will need some appealing setting.  Whether it is a wonderful view of sea, trees, colorful lights, anything that would click with your mood.

Now, we move on to tactile stimulation.
Okay, figure it out what media do you want to do the writing.  Is it pen and paper, or computer or you like working with laptop?  Figure it out what you like best and stick with the choice.  Believe me, it will help you a lot.

 Good scent in the air
 Oh, this is one is really important too.  Scent is also a good stimulation.  You like scented air?  Or just fresh and clean air?  Maybe you love the smell of coffee and bread, then visit your favorite cafe.  Okay, the conclusion is that just find out what you like.

Now, we move to some serious thing.  Haha... find out whether you like writing with empty stomach or with some snacks you could feed yourselves while in writing.

Looking at the picture above, well i think i find back my mood of writing.  Actually i am eating right now while writing these tips >.< ahaha...  It does boost the mood, guys.

Make sure you have everything you need nearby
Okay, whatever you need in writing, remember to keep it close.  Is it the paper, the pen, the printer, some books for inspiration, dictionary, or some personal things that you feel significant or sentimental.

And now, the last but not the least, you might consider about the feng shui.
Yes, it is about belief, i know.  But you will find it comes in handy to create the right atmoshpere you are going to need. :)

 Now, let's prove these tips.  Create the best place we feel most comfortable and start to convert all of our ideas into some great stories >.< Aw, i will do so too :D



Eid Ul Fitr Mubarak
